Monday, November 10, 2008

People love space!

People love space!

Well, when I say 'people love space', the meaning is not what you're thinking. I am talking about the (unnecessary) space between the two words.

I am going to write today about my observation about some of the words in English which people write wrongly.

The speciality of such words is that they are formed of two words. Both are separate words and have their own meaning, but when they are joined, it takes a different meaning.

Let's not beat around the bush and let me come to the point.

One such example is breakthrough. break and through are different words and meaning of breakthrough has nothing to do with individual words.

But people write sentences like "We've got a big break through today".
I am not sure of the reason. The fact is that break and through are also valid words, but how does that allow us to put a space for another completely different word ?
Well, I am clueless.

In olden days, today was written as to-day, but latter this practice was abolished.

How will you react if "today" were written as "to day" ?

Well, I react the same way when I read breakthrough as "break through"

Other examples are:

shortlist written as short list. (This is quite funny.)

some body (Can you imagine the meaning of sentence 'I saw some body there' ?)
some one
some times
some how
mean while
some where
how ever
it self
wel come

web site
with out (this is too much)
any body
every body
through out

Well, what do you think? Pour in your comments....